“From seasoned athletes to folks getting in shape for the very first time... Working through injury or illness... This is a great place if you want to focus on getting better, wherever you start.”
“The luxury gyms just weren’t producing results. I had no plan; couldn’t get onto the equipment that I wanted; and was frequently interrupted with small talk. I tried a couple of cross-fit gyms, but the trainers didn’t seem credible. They seemed to be trying to imitate what they thought a crossfit box should be – odd (possibly unsafe) workouts in an atmosphere felt unnaturally “hyped.”
I needed a credible trainer in a gym that could create workouts that build on each other toward a larger goal: whether that be strength, power, stamina, or endurance. I wanted someone that I could trust, who could (and would) explain the strategy behind the sessions. Some trainers won’t share what they know because that’s their secret sauce – the only reason people have to come back. John does the opposite. He shares the why and has built an incredibly loyal base through honesty, openness and his passion to help his clients learn and grow.
The workouts are hard – every session is hard—but the focus is ALWAYS on the people in the gym. When I was starting, John tapered workouts my level of fitness. While injured, he modified workouts to keep me moving forward while focusing on recovery. But the progress has always been upward. At 48 years old, I’m still getting stronger and hitting new benchmarks in key lifts.
Deep Water
John has helped me reach new breakthroughs physically and mentally. When I started, John asked smart questions – and then LISTENED to my responses — about my background, my experience, my goals. He paid personal attention to my form /techniques with free weights, and I saw my benchmarks soar. More important, John encouraged one-on-one conversations to learn more about me, what’s working and what’s not.
At one point, I was in a funk. I was going to the workouts but my head was elsewhere – thinking about work, schedules, everything but the workout. John noticed and invited me to lunch and ultimately to a place he calls “deep water” – a place where you need to ask tough questions and give yourself honest answers.
John didn’t hammer “get tough” platitudes. We talked through the situation at a very personal level, and John listened. Then, he gave me actionable suggestions that – with subtle reminders during the following workouts. “What are your thinking about? What is your goal for this warm-up? What is your goal for this session?” Subtle reminders that no one else would notice, but brought my attention back to the workouts. A significant mental breakthrough that I wouldn’t have reached at another gym.”
“Located on the south side of the Ranchmart shopping center at 95th and Mission (look for the workout equipment, and the sweaty people), Revolution Gym can seem imposing at first glance. Get in the door, and you’ll work hard, and become one of the #RevGymFam quickly. Bring your dedication, drive, and sense of humor - this is NOT a workout. It’s strength training for life, both physical and mental. From individual training, to classes like small group, kickboxing, barre (new!), cardio flex, and martial arts for adults and kids, John has created an atmosphere of family and dedication that becomes addictive. Worth the time and money!”
“I am and have always been active and dedicated to training, personal growth and improvement. My history has always included strength and conditioning related to organized sports in high school, college, and beyond. As I moved into a professional career that did not include organized competition, I continued to train on my own through various methods but all included strength and endurance training. I was distantly aware that this dedication and personal discipline was important and had a carry over to all aspects of my life, personal and professional. I was invited by a friend to attend Revolution Gym as she reported an amazing experience. Honestly, my thoughts were it was likely good but not as incredible as she reported. I attended my first session on a Saturday morning and was amazed at what I saw in just 60 minutes. Not only was it challenging beyond what I could have predicted, more impressive was a group of people attending the class from all walks of life, backgrounds, and physical capabilities all working extraordinarily hard and clearly driven to improve themselves. This, as you can imagine, is contagious and a group I wanted to be a part of. A year and a half later, I am still attending as often as possible and literally can’t describe the impact and improvement I have experienced by participating in John’s program. It challenges and improves me in every aspect of life...strength, endurance, focus, intellect, consciousness, commitment, dedication, discipline....all of which John helps you to build this into your everyday world.
After a year of training, I began my next journey with John which was an initial 12 week session of more specialized training in addition to my continuation of normal schedule. This training is in a much smaller group (1,2, or 3 at one time) and is a life skill training that is self-defense and situational combat training at its foundation. The foundation is of course critical, however, John continues to coach and allows me to experience the clear direct correlation between combat training and how this translates again to my personal and professional growth and development. I have always thought of myself as successful in my career in part due to my ability to interact, relate, read, and understand those that I work with. I can say that until spending a considerable amount of time with John I was missing a critical element in my approach, that being an awareness and better understanding of myself in these relationships. As skilled as I thought I was, I was not at a level I can be to be great as I did not have complete understanding of my own foundation and the impact that it has in my personal and professional life.
If you are driven, committed, disciplined, and seeking the next level of personal growth that can be applied to every aspect of your life you will be pleased with your experience if you elect to spend the energy and time necessary to improve. John clearly possesses the skill necessary to learn where you are and show you the path to improvement.”
“I first was introduced to John Brown and Revolution Gym through a friend of mine. It was one of the most challenging workouts I had ever done and I was hooked right away. The workouts were unique and different than anything I had ever done. After about 2 weeks, John and I had a discussion over a cup of coffee. He asked me some questions about my goals; my fitness goals, my life goals, and even family goals. The unique part was is that it was a discussion, not a quiz. I hadn’t put much thought into my goals as it relates to why I train in the past. I really thought through it and after much discussion set some new intentions. One of them was that I wanted to train as an athlete, that just because I was getting older, the athlete inside of me wasn’t gone. I entered into the 12 week warrior program and began to study martial arts with John as my teacher. It took me about 5 minutes to realize that everything I thought I knew about martial arts and MMA fighting was nothing. The art and discipline of the training requires focus, practice, commitment, and so much more. The individual sessions and teaching are like jumping into the deep end of the pool, you either jump all in and commit, or don’t. I started the program for a lot of reasons and am happy I did, I am staying in the program for different reasons, many I didn’t even know mattered to me in the past. I feel like I have grown as an athlete and a person through this process.
There are a lot of ways this entire experience has impacted my life outside of the gym. Many of the same obstacles I face in the gym manifest themselves in a different ways at work. The way we train in the gym teaches so many valuable lessons that can be utilized in other areas of my life. My performance at work has improved through my ability to assess and manage through obstacles at work, or negotiate with various communication styles. Reading people in the ring can be similar to reading people in the workplace. Many of the tells are the same, the escalations, defensive postures, etc. Identifying them, and navigating through them effectively is valuable in all aspects of life.
To me there is no end game, only a process and experience. Each one as unique as the individual who signs up and commits to being better. “What lies ahead of us and what lies behind us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.””